Pregnancy Trimester Guide

The Ultimate Pregnancy Trimester Guide: Everything You Need to Know

You’re either here for yourself right now (in which case CONGRATULATIONS!!) or you’ve come with a curious mind because someone close to you is that case, also CONGRATULATIONS!! and welcome 😌.

Pregnancy is incredibly exciting. And with that excitement comes a lot of unknowns and research to be done. Which is probably why you are here. We've been there too which is what brought us here in the first place.

What no one tells you about pregnancy is that it's the start of a research journey - a journey to understanding you body, hormones and inner strength - and a journey through nine (plus) months that is typically not at all what you thought it would be. Let’s get into it.

Trimester 1

Week 1 - Week 12

Trimester 1 of pregnancy is a time of rapid development and adjustment for both mom and baby. Trimester 1 begins with conception and ends with the completion of organ formation in the developing baby. Remarkable... isn't it?

During the first trimester, many women experience the hallmark symptoms of pregnancy, such as morning sickness, fatigue, breast tenderness, and frequent urination. These symptoms are often attributed to hormonal changes and increased blood flow to the pelvic area.

Meanwhile, the baby is undergoing remarkable growth and development in the womb. By the end of the first trimester, all major organs and body systems have formed, although they may not yet be fully functional. This period is critical for the baby's health, and expectant mothers are advised to take prenatal vitamins, drink lots of water, get lots of sleep, minimize caffeine, and avoid strenous exercise.

Emotionally, the first trimester is often a time of excitement and anticipation mixed with anxiety and uncertainty. Many women experience mood swings and heightened emotions as they adjust to the reality of impending motherhood.

You can get all your Trimester 1 pregnancy needs here.


Trimester 2

Week 13 - Week 26

The second trimester is often referred to as the “honeymoon phase” of pregnancy, and for great reason.

For many women, symptoms of morning sickness and fatigue subside in the second trimester, and they begin to feel more energetic and comfortable in their changing bodies.

Baby's growth also becomes more evident as the uterus expands to accommodate the growing fetus. Expectant mothers typically start to feel baby's movements during the middle of this trimester, often described as fluttering or gentle kicks, which can be a HUGE source of excitement, elation and connection.

In addition to the physical changes, the second trimester is a time of bonding for many expectant parents. As the pregnancy becomes more visible, partners and family members may feel a stronger sense of involvement and anticipation, attending prenatal appointments and participating in preparations for baby's arrival.

Anatomy scans and other medical tests are typically performed during the second trimester to assess baby's growth and development. These scans provide valuable information about baby's health and you can also find out baby's gender around 20 weeks!

Pamper yourself during your second trimester with these looooved pregnancy essentials!

Trimester 3

Week 27 - Birth

Ahhh trimester 3, the final stage of pregnancy! The home stretch! As your due date approaches, baby continues to grow and mature, gaining weight and developing fat stores necessary for survival outside the womb.

During the third trimester, many women experience a range of physical discomforts, including backaches, swelling of the feet and ankles, and difficulty sleeping. The growing size of the uterus can put pressure on the organs and muscles, leading to increased discomfort and fatigue.page2image4698928

Emotionally, the third trimester can be a time of excitement and nervousness as expectant parents prepare for the arrival of their baby. Nesting instincts may kick in, prompting parents to clean, organize, decorate the nursery, etc. in anticipation of the new arrival. Nesting is so fun!  đŸ„č

As your due date approaches, it's common for expectant mothers to experience Braxton Hicks, which are mild, irregular contractions that help prepare the uterus for labor - but for many women, they can feel like they are in early labor. It's essential to differentiate between Braxton Hicks and active labor contractions, which are stronger, more regular, and indicate that labor is indeed imminent.

There you have it! An overview of all three pregnancy trimesters from positive pregnancy test all the way to labor.

And guess what? Rumbly has your back for ALL of it. You can find everything you need in terms of pregnancy essentials here.

 Excited for you!!

💜 rumbly 

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