Rumbly Babymoon Guide

Navigating Babymoons: Meaning, Timing and Tips

Hiiii friend,

So Friday last week, our team was chatting around the rumbly boardroom table - mostly getting caught up on the week's gossip and any customer baby news we got word of - when someone asked: “hey marnie, whatʼs a babymoon?”. What I thought was an obvious term to know about, it turns out... it wasn't! But not only was it a new term for a bunch of men and women in the room, it was also an instant type of Pinterest / vision boarding moment. And so from there, we figured there must be many of other future moms and current moms-to-be that have nooooo idea what a baby moon is or how to navigate it – so hereʼs our little breakdown of wtf a babymoon is and how to have an awesome one!

Sooooo... Whatʼs a Babymoon??!

Simply put, itʼs the equivalent of a honeymoon but instead of post-wedding, itʼs pre-baby. Itʼs a celebratory vacation for you and your partner to get some quality time in together before baby joins the party!

In other words, it's all about relaxing, enjoying the moment and bonding with each other – usually in a quaint, new or tropical location.

When Should You Take Your Babymoon?

Thereʼs no exact timeframe for when you should to take a babymoon – really you can do it whenever you want (or, well, in most cases, depending on "where" you plan to take it). The best advice we can give: “take it when youʼre feeling your best!” - whether that's in your second trimester or just before baby's expected arrival date!

Most women do, however, feel their best in the middle of their second trimester. Morning sickness has passed, the pregnancy glow has kicked in and youʼre likely showing enough to have cute bump pics (IYKYK). Mid-second trimester is also typically before your feet start to swell, you feel like everything aches and you become super tired (and anxious ...again).

Oh and another great tip someone gave us once: take advantage of those early days when youʼre stuck in bed with extreme exhaustion, and start narrowing down some babymoon destination ideas and a few dates. It will really help in giving you something fun to look forward to!

Why Even Take a Babymoon?

This is one of those things that people shrug off and say “Do we really need to do that?” In short, YAAASSS!! On the road to creating your dream pregnancy, taking a babymoon is definite on the list for us! Itʼs important to really soak in all the opportunities to enjoy being pregnant, not just rush to the finish line!

And speaking of... once baby arrives, a lot of focus you typically had on your partner shifts, and life may start to feel non-stop busy, totally exhausting and all-around ʻbaby-focusedʼ; so setting some intentional time aside for you and your partner (or just you!) pre-baby arrival is really important. It's an opportunity to relax physically and mentally - both of which can have a huge impact on how you step into motherhood!!

Recos + Tips:

Before signing off on this topic for today, here's some extra recommendations and tips from the rumbly-vault for making the most of your babymoon planning!!

  • A babymoon doesnʼt have to be fancy: From an overnight spa stay to a quick cabin getaway, itʼs all about making the most of your time and relaxing! However and wherever you do it!

  • Donʼt jam-pack your time: A babymoon is about relaxxxxingggggg!!!! So drop the full day itinerary, and plan to just hang out for the most part!

  • Travel smart: Pregnancy often = discomfort, so when picking a destination, consider how long you may be sitting in a car or on a plane to get there - and just how squishy you're willing to get! Bring all your standard comforts and try not to worry about ʻpacking lightʼ on this one haha

Have other questions about navigating the babymoon?! Hit up our DMʼs or email us at for all the recos!


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