Pregnancy Must-Haves for Every Mom-To-Be

Pregnancy Must-Haves for Every Mom-To-Be

Congratulations on your pregnancy! This is an amazing time in your life, and you’re probably feeling a little bit (or a lot!) overwhelmed with all of the things you need to do and buy in preparation for your journey. Don’t worry, we’re here to help. We’ve got all of the must-haves you didn’t know you definitely shouldn’t go through your pregnancy without! 

Pregnancy Essentials for Each Mom-To-Be

First of all, a note: while it’s tempting to go overboard and buy everything under the sun for your baby, try to resist the urge. You really don’t need that many things, and you’ll probably be surprised at how much stuff you can actually get by without. With that said, here are a few things that we think are essential for every mom-to-be.

Something to Help Deal With Morning Sickness

Most pregnant women will experience some degree of morning sickness, which is usually at its worst during the first trimester. While you might not always be able to prevent it, you can do a few things to help lessen the symptoms.

Here are some of our favourite suggestions:

  • Having mints or gum (like our favourite - Oh My Gum!) on hand can help freshen your breath and calm your stomach.
  • Drinking lots of fluids, especially water, will help keep you hydrated and may help to settle your stomach. (rumbly mom tip: it’s SO much easier to get your water in when it comes in a designer tumbler like this one.) 
  • Eating small, frequent meals throughout the day instead of three large ones can help to keep your stomach from feeling empty and unsettled.

Something to Help You Be Organized

One thing that no one prepared us for? The sheer volume of PAPER and forms that comes with being pregnant. From doctor’s appointments to ultrasound requisitions, to insurance forms and other hospital and medical forms, there is a ton of paperwork to keep track of.

Having a good-quality folder (like the one in our Modern Mom-To-Be box) will keep everything neat and organized and will be a total lifesaver - especially when your pregnancy brain sets in and you can't find anything! Plus, you can have all your important documents organized in one neat place for when you head to the hospital where, you guessed it, you're going to get even more papers to fill in and take home!

Something to make your photos pop

You're going to want to document every single step of this amazing journey, so whether or not they make it onto the 'gram, you will probably want some super cute photos of your bump.

Whether you're posing with our rumbly exclusive felt letter board or just using your phone camera, make sure you've got a cute way to show off that belly!


Something to help you deal with skin changes

Yeah...your skin is going to go through a lot this pregnancy. From stretch marks to acne to linea nigra and unbelievable levels of itchiness, you're likely to see a bunch of changes.

That's why we recommend having a few things on hand that can help keep your skin looking and feeling its best. Some of our favourites (which you can find in our subscription boxes) include a gentle & fragrance-free nourishing face wash; a refreshing and cleansing mist spray which helps restore your skin’s balance alongside healthy antioxidants; bath bombs to help moisturize and hydrate your skin; and an organic belly oil to help nourish and support your skin's natural elasticity.


Something to help you keep moving!

Exercise is SO important - for both you and your baby!  It's not just about the physical benefits - although there are a lot of those. It's also about improving your mental health,  energy levels, and overall well-being.

You certainly don't have to go hard at the gym or during an in-home workout though to enjoy any of these benefits. A nice walk around the block wearing our favourite pregnancy safe ankle weights (like the ones we included in our Month 5 subscription box) will do absolute wonder. Just make sure you consult with your doctor or midwife if you are unsure about anything in your current exercise routine. 

If you are avoiding exercise because of those pregnancy aches and pains, trust us, try it! It is worth it! 

And speaking of aches and pains...


Something that helps you stay comfortable

Pregnancy aches and pains are no joke. From back pain to sciatica, there's a lot that can have you feeling a little sore.

That's why it's important to have something on hand that can help you feel more comfortable. A support pillow, for example, can make all the difference when you're trying to sleep or just relax on the couch. There is also magnesium oil (which comes in our Month 7 subscription box!) that you can massage onto your legs for those late-night leg cramps.Game changer!

And of course there are also several great pregnancy-specific yoga classes and exercises that can help with everything from pain relief to preparing for labour. (Need suggestions? DM us and we’ll hook you up!)


Clothes that make you feel beautiful (but which are still comfortable too) 

While you may not feel like your best self during pregnancy, that doesn't mean you can't look good! There are so many cute and trendy maternity clothes (I mean, we could Pinterest on this for daaaaaaaaays) available at reasonable prices. As well, invest in a good belly band so that you can wear your regular clothes for a little bit longer (this was one of the best tips we got in pregnancy!). Or, if you want to avoid maternity clothes altogether, just size up a few and continue to shop where you normally would. The point is - you have options!

And don't forget to treat yourself to a new bra. Your boobs are going to get bigger (like a lot bigger!), and you deserve something pretty and comfortable bras to support them!

There is one area however that we need to call out, where fashion should move over and function should reign supreme: your shoes. Those growing, swollen and tired feet will need all the support they can get as you move further through your pregnancy, so make sure you've got a good pair of comfortable shoes with a great non-slip grip - good enough for any and every weather condition.

(And speaking of non-slip grip, don’t forget about your socks! The chic, comfortable, high quality grip socks we include in our month 7 subscription box are total lifesavers (IYKYK 😉) - especially when worn on hardwood or non-carpeted floors!)


Something to Help You Keep in Touch With the Woman You Are

Sometimes you might feel like you're losing yourself a little with all the changes happening to your body, mind and social life during pregnancy. It's totally normal to feel this way! And it's equally as important to remember that at the end of every day you're still you. 

One way we found really helped us to continue feeling connected to our pre-pregnancy self was to continue doing things that we have always enjoyed doing. Of course, pregnancy might mean tweaking things a little bit, but doing the things that have always brought you joy, pleasure and happiness will help you feel more like yourself again and throughout this transitional time in your life.

If you cherish your girls' nights out, for example, swap your cocktails for mocktails. If a dream day off for you includes a trip to the spa, then go ahead and gift yourself a pregnancy-safe mani-pedi or book a prenatal massage. The point is to continue doing the things that make you feel happy, relaxed and like yourself!


Community that you can rely on

No woman is an island  – especially not a pregnant one! There will be times during your pregnancy when you need a little bit of extra support, whether it's emotional, physical or just someone to vent to. 

That's where your community comes in. Whether it's your partner, your best friend, your mom or an online group of other expectant mothers (like us #rumblymoms), make sure you have people in your life who you can rely on for a little bit of help whenever you need it. 

And finally...


Something that will help you mark this special time as truly special

Nine months may seem like a long time, but trust us, in the end, it will start to fly by. Before you know it, you'll be holding your little one in your arms and wondering where the time went. 

That's why it's important to have something on hand that can help you pause and reflect throughout the whole journey, but which can also help give you the best pregnancy experience you can get. 

And that is exactly where a subscription from rumbly comes in. From the moment you sign up, we'll be there for you and with you through every step of the way, sending you personal notes and hand-curated products from across the globe that will help make your pregnancy journey even more special. 

We searched, researched, tested, talked to women and really listened. The result? The perfect set of pregnancy and postpartum boxes, each curated just for you and delivered to you at the right moment, with amazing products and unforeseen must-haves that will become instant game changers in your journey. We thought of everything that you need - including the things that aren't even on your radar yet.

And at the end of the day, we are all about supporting you - both the woman you are today and the mom you are becoming. So whether it's something that will make you laugh, a way to help you deal with the physical changes in your body or just a daily reminder that you're doing a great job, we've got you covered.

Ready to join our squad? Click here to learn more about our flagship subscription boxes and sign up to begin your journey to motherhood with rumbly today!



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