How to Support your Pregnant Wife or Partner after Birth

How to Support Your Pregnant Wife or Partner after birth

Congratulations! Your new bundle of joy is finally here and you are so proud of your partner! You always knew that she was a rockstar, but seeing how she handled that labour... wow! You could not be more proud.

Now that the little one has arrived, it's time to get ready for all of the new responsibilities and changes that you will face together (and individually) as new parents. We know that at some points you might be feeling a little helpless - like you want to help more, but how?

Fear not, we’ve got you 😉. We're going to let you in on some of the best tips for how you can support your partner and offer her more of what she really needs.

1. Learn about the physical and emotional recovery process

It's important to have a good understanding of what your partner is going through after giving birth. Educate yourself on the physical changes she will experience and how you can help her manage pain.

Emotionally, she will likely experience a roller coaster of feelings. Talk to her about it, ask questions and offer empathy. Don't shy away from the important conversations - let her know that you are here for her every step of the way.

Knowing what she's going through will also help you be more patient and empathetic when you're both feeling overwhelmed.

2. Ask your partner what she needs for support.

As much as you want to jump in and save the day, it's important to ask your partner what she may need and how you can help. It can be hard for new moms to accept help, so make sure that you're not pushing her into anything. Respect her decisions and provide a listening ear whenever needed.

She may not need or be looking for a solution, just  wanting to be heard and feel seen. I know, I know, your instinct is to jump in and fix things, but honestly, take it from us, it may not be what she needs. She may just need to unload.

3. Take some of the responsibility off her shoulders

Being a new mom is exhausting. Imagine getting your appendix out. But then, as you’re leaving the hospital (still reeling from your full-blown medical ordeal), they handed you a baby and told you to take care of it. That's how a lot of new moms feel.

Offer to do some of the tasks that your partner would normally handle,  perhaps things like grocery shopping, folding laundry and other house or family chores. Run interference on who's coming to visit, check the mail, write Thank You Cards - or really, anything you can do to lighten her load is going to be huge and so appreciated.

4. Show her love and affection

This is the most important thing that you can do for your partner as she settles into motherhood. Let her know how much you love her and appreciate her, and be sure to give her plenty of hugs and kisses too.

The very best thing you can say is: "You're an awesome mom."

As much as you both may have prepped for welcoming your new baby, babies do not come with a how-to guide, and she is probably feeling really overwhelmed right now. Especially when you're deep in it, it can feel like nothing is going right, so let us (over) assure you that she needs you to tell her that she's doing amazing and you think that she is the best mom in the universe!

5. Take care of yourself so that you can be there for her when needed

You can't pour from an empty cup, so don't forget to get the sleep and rest you need too. This can be hard when you're up round the clock rocking or helping to feed the baby, but make sure to take breaks and do things that make you feel good too.

Take a walk, listen to some music, or do something else that makes you feel energized and refreshed. That way, when your partner needs help, you'll be there for her with open arms.


6. Trust her instincts

There is something biological that kicks in with mothers, and she's going to have an amazing sense of what your baby needs, even if she can't explain why. Let her know that you believe in her and help her find the confidence she may need to make decisions for both herself and your family.

This may mean supporting her and advocating for her with doctors and family, so don't forget to speak up with her (and never over her)!

7. Compliment her

Her body has been through quite an ordeal and she is not going to be feeling like her best self on most days. Her body has changed (in some ways, forever), and her body confidence may have taken a real hit too. We know that was definitely true for us.

It doesn't help that the media barrages us with images of celebs who snap back into their pre-baby bodies - and especially in just days. While she may know this all in her mind, and that it's not a fair comparison, it will make such a difference if you remind her with words and actions of how beautiful she is today and everyday.

It's also so important to remind her of how brave and strong she is. Tell her how you love what motherhood has done to her, and how she has a new beauty about her that you find so absolutely attractive!

8. Get her a Rumbly Postpartum Box

The best things in life are free...but the right thing at the right time is absolute gold.

When we put together our Rumbly Postpartum Box, we pulled from our collective and different birth experiences, and all of our "I wish I had that" thoughts, and put them into one beautifully assembled bundle. 

From the best peri bottle on the market (which, trust us, is a no compromise game-changer) and the most luxe dry shampoo and body spray out there, to an exclusive online digital postpartum course that you can go through at your own pace, and to other incredible highly sought after insider must-haves this box is exactly so much what she needs and more!

So instead of wondering what might help, we've done the work for you and got you (and her) all covered. Free shipping included, order her a Rumbly Postpartum Box today and surprise her with a gift you know she'll use and appreciate the most!

Baby Shower Gift Set - Boy
Baby Shower Gift Set - Girl