Second Trimester Pregnancy Self-Care Guide

Second Trimester Self-Care Bingo

You're 1/3 through your pregnancy!!!!  Holy 💩 that went quickly! I feel like we just got started. 

So without any further ado, welcome to the second trimester! 

 This is an important time for your baby's development; he or she will start growing really quickly - and you are going to start to feel them moving around soon (which is REALLY cool!). You are also going to start showing that bump a bit more too.  

If you have been waiting to tell everyone until the first trimester passed, now's the time. Have you thought of a fun or creative announcement?

The second trimester is called the "Honeymoon Trimester" for a reason. You have (hopefully) passed the morning sickness stage, you finally have more energy and baby’s not too big that its causing you to be ultra uncomfortable yet. 

Take advantage of this period to take care of YOU!  To help, here's another bingo card to inspire. (Of course, these are suggestions, so take them as they are or modify as you see fit! Rumbly is all about doing what's right for YOUR unique pregnancy).

*Oh and if you missed our first and third trimester bingo cards, be sure to check them out too!



No matter how you choose to celebrate this time, make sure you take plenty of moments for yourself.

Wanna connect? Send us a message over on Instagram and let us know anything on your mind. We would also love to hear what you are doing during your second trimester to pamper yourself!

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